Will Grayson, Will Grayson

Will Grayson, Will Grayson


One cold night, in a most unlikely corner of Chicago, Will Grayson crosses paths with . . . Will Grayson.

Two guys with the same name, running in two very different circles, suddenly find their lives going in new and unexpected directions, and culminating in epic turns-of-heart and the most fabulous musical ever to grace the high-school stage.

Told in alternating voices from two award-winning authors - John Green and David Levithan - this unique collaborative novel features a double helping of the heart and humour that has won both authors legions of fans.

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ISBN - 978-0-141-34611-3

Format - paperback

Publisher - Penguin

Pages - 308

Exterior Condition - Front cover has a small part ripped off/missing, which wraps around the spine. Very soft edge on the back cover, which is folding up.

Interior Conditions - Pages a bit yellow from age, some dog eared pages, and some discolouration at the top near the spine.



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